Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My love language....

I don't know if the readers of this blog has read the book "The five love languages" by Gary Chapman - but just in case you haven't it talks about five expressions of love and it explains how to identify and communicate effectivley in a spouse's "love language". To sum up what the five are, they are as follows:
  1. Quality time
  2. Words of affirmation
  3. Gifts
  4. Acts of service
  5. Physical touch
Being one who has been part of developing a relationship course and running marriage seminars , this is one of the books which was a "must" to read. The fact that others had read it and "had their lives transformed" as the doors were opened to their understanding of their own needs and wants from a spouse, and had amazing revelations when they realised what their partner needed and wanted, meant that my expectations were rather high before I sat down and read the book.
This happened a while back, a couple of years ago now I believe...but I have never really been settle about this topic since. For as I was reading the book I thought, I need this, I want that...etc. So, much so, that at the end I though I must be the most demanding woman ever - for I must have not one love language, not two love languages, but FIVE love languages!! Because I liked and needed them ALL!!!
Talking to my dear husband about this did not help greatly, he just put on his "ever suffering expression" and said "imagine what my life is like, having to live with this". So, realising that he was just using it to his advantage and for gaining sympathy I did not consult him anymore.
But now, finally the breakthrough has come, I have realised after a lot of soul searching what my primary love language is...
I know I need the others too, but if it is one thing I could not be without it is hugs and affection shown in a physical way. So, for people who love me - the best way to show it is through a hug!
- but that does not mean that I won't appreciate a small gift this Christmas along with the hug ;-p


Anonymous said...

I have considered writing a similar entry of my own, as no one seems to care about MY needs for cuddles and kisses. One a day, you say? NOT happening :(

But yes, hint taken. I will certainly do my best about that hug thing. Love you!! :-D

Gryne said...

Well, Mattias seems to take your need for physical affection quite seriously - slapping your bottom, cuddeling....say no more ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha Gryne, and it's not just Heidi!! ;)

Nice new site by the way!! Christmas theme??

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